Microscopy images of crystallised materials and liquid metals.
Materials Science
Danske Grafikeres Hus, 2022.
Meteorites, acid etchings and the crystallisation of substances were on display. The exhibition explored the chemical and physical properties of a number of materials. The materials were used to create motifs visualised under microscopes with various techniques.
The exhibition contained a number of framed microscopy images and two installations in the windows of the space.
In two windows crystalline materials were installed. Polarising filters were added to windows as well as an extra layer of glass.
The first window contained crystallised menthol with a melting point at 36–38°C. On sunny days the heat would build up and melt away the crystals. When the temperature dropped in the evening the menthol would recrystallise in new structures.
Window installation with crystallised menthol.
Melted menthol starting to recrystallise.
Window installation with crystallised resorcinol.
Skull - resorcinol, Indium and gallium.
Skin - Salicylic acid, lactic acid, Indium and gallium.
untitled - Sodium Thiosulfate, Indium and gallium
Biotin (1)
Images of crystallised biotin and meteorite/copper etching.
On the first floor of the space were pictures made with either biotin or acid etchings.
The classic line etching on copper and zinc is examined under the microscope, where you can see how the acid has eaten into the metal. The same acid is used to etch the internal structure of meteorites – a metallic structure formed over thousands of years and impossible to reproduce in the laboratory.
© Claus Spangsberg